Nine faces

Give a Nine Faces worksheet to all participants. For exercises 1 and 2, you can ask participants to pass their worksheet along to the person sitting next to them after each drawing, and continue this process until all the circles are filled (coloured in) on all the sheets. In this way, all participants see everyone else’s drawings, which makes the exercises more enjoyable.

To emphasize the idea that the drawings should be spontaneous you can limit the time participants have (e.g., 10 seconds) to draw something before passing the sheet to the next person.

Allow around 5 minutes per exercise.

1. Facial expressions

“Draw a different facial expression for a different emotion by adding only a mouth, eyes and eyebrows to the circles.”

2. Moody faces

“Use colours to highlight the different emotions in the facial expressions.”

3. Self-portrait

For this exercise, everybody should have a sheet with all the circles filled in and coloured – of these, they choose one to transform into a self-portrait.

“Of the nine facial expressions, choose the one that best represents how you are feeling and add a simple element or two (for example, hair, nose, glasses, scarf, hat) to make it look like you.”